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Image by Brady Bellini

Soul Speak
The Language of Your Body

be your own doctor and healer

"Our bodies are magnificent machines that we have decided to house ourselves in for whatever duration we choose for this experience we call our life. These machines are made to operate flawlessly with no aches, pains or illnesses and can heal themselves of any mishaps if we do not interfere. So if we are designed to never be sick, why is there so much illness and disease? Why are so many of us constantly in states of pain and discomfort? Could it be there is more to this than meets the eye?…It has been told to me that it is very important that we stop looking outside ourselves for the answers. Stop looking for someone or something else to ‘fix’ us. We have all the answers inside…”

Julia Cannon, Soul Speak Introduction

you are not alone

A Soul Speak Session will teach you how to illuminate the hidden messages your body is sending you when you manifest dis-ease of any kind.

You are not your body, you are an unlimited soul clothed in a temporary body ‘suit’ which allows you to create and fulfill your life’s mission and plan in this physical reality.

Even though we may have forgotten we’re infinite, powerful creators, we came in equipped with everything we need to survive and thrive on this physical plane encompassed within our bodies.

Any ache, pain, illness or dis-ease is the body’s way of letting us know when we need to re-focus, change direction or discontinue down a certain path.


are you ready for a Soul Speak Session?

When you feel ready to understand and resolve an issue that’s been bothering you for a short or long time, book a Soul Speak Session with Lori, a Certified Soul Speak Practitioner. You will learn how to navigate and decode the messages your body has sent you and, how to work with your body moving forward in the future so that you can understand and heal from any issue that manifests in your body. Sessions last approximately one hour and cost $75.00


The session will begin with a relaxed talk to get to know you and your concerns.

  • You will bring along up to 3 body/health concerns

  • You will be guided into a light relaxed state to open up communications with your Higher Self and the messages in the body.

  • Here you will identify and dialogue with your body to discover what messages it is trying to give you.

  • You will receive insights and answers from your Higher Self.

  • Based on the information you receive, you will be able to use your freewill to direct your NEW life going forward.

  • You will take away the method used with you to enter your relaxed state to address any other issues you may have.


If there are multiple issues you would like to address, there is the opportunity to delve much deeper into your beautiful, powerful sub-conscious by booking a QHHT session.


is Soul Speak right for you?

  • Soul Speak is for you if you are suffering from a chronic pain, illness or disease and you’re ready to let it go.

  • Soul Speak is for you if you understand that your body is an extension of your consciousness and that it can physically manifest your emotional issues.

  • Soul Speak is for you if you are ready to empower yourself.


you are responsible for your own healing

Please understand that YOU and ONLY YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your own self-healing. Soul Speak is a remarkable modality that offers impressive results, but it will NOT WORK for you if:


X You are looking for someone else to do the work and heal you


X You are not willing to go within and receive your answers


X You are not willing to take action on your messages


instant healing vs. healing over time

Despite the short session, instant healing is always possible. Once the message has been decoded and received the body no longer needs to send that signal in the form of the symptoms.

Most clients find relief or respite right away and if the issue is not completely resolved (after all it’s taken you time to get to where you’re at and it may take time to resolve), there’s always a clear path of action to take to resolve it.


As with QHHT® or any energy healing, it’s always up to each individual to continue the healing process by making any necessary changes and/or implementing new practices so that their healing continues over time.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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