Healing the World One Spine at a Time
(607) 266-4325
Chiropractic Care at Healthy Life Center
If you are looking for a holistic approach involving chiropractic, bodywork, and energy work, then Network Spinal Analysis could be exactly what you’re looking for. This unique modality uses a “whole” person approach, helping you to feel better in your body and therefore your life. NetworkSpinal Analysis (NSA) is a highly advanced neurological technique that advances spinal and nervous system function. The practitioner applies light touch entrainment contacts at specific points along the spine (spinal gateways), empowering the individual to shift from defense physiology to greater ease and peace in their body. During care, practice members achieve greater brain-body awareness and develop new strategies to release stored tension and stress. Those who receive NSA may enjoy many benefits: improved physical, emotional and psychological well-being, an improvement in healthy lifestyle changes, greater life enjoyment, a higher quality of life and decreased stress. By optimizing your health and life with NSA, there’s no ceiling when it comes to what you can accomplish! Research has demonstrated specific results including reduction or complete elimination of pain, improved breath, better sleep and the ability to make healthier choices, to name a few. NSA has been coined “The Great Enhancer” due to the enhancing affect it has on other healthy lifestyle choices. People who follow this program experience profound improvement, if not transformational change, in their lives.
Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is a highly effective way to simply relieve chronic problems as well as that state of overwhelm that so many of us experience in our fast moving stress filled modern World. By accessing your nervous system, your body will develop internal healing strategies. It is these strategies that will lead you to a new way of living. creating more available energy to live more fully.
Dr. Donald Epstein,DC, the creator of Network Spinal Analysis/Reorganizational Healing defines NSA care as,..
” an evidence-based approach to wellness and body awareness, using precise gentle touch to specific areas of the spine to cue the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. These strategies are directly associated with the spontaneous release of spinal and life tension, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness….Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationship between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work.”
The very essence of NSA care is to assisting you to get well and staying well for a lifetime. And the term “well” is limitless for all people, no matter what your health issues are/were.
“The shape, position, tension, and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension, and tone of your life.”
-Dr. Donald Epstein, founder of Network Spinal Analysis,
Reorganizational Healing
What Makes NSA Different?
*NSA doesn’t focus on what is wrong with your body. NSA focuses on what is “available” to assist you to heal wholly.
By accessing these particular places along your spine, your central nervous system wakes up and enlivens in a new way. It begins to develop your healing strategies so your body, mind, and spirit can heal. So all healing and change happens within you, not from some outside source, practitioner, supplement, or drug.
Through this process, you become more connected to you and your pain/health issues. When you connect in this way, instead of numbing it or manipulating it to fix the symptom, you are able to learn, change, and EVOLVE from your health issue. The places in your body that feel “stuck ” or painful become your greatest adversary. They become a doorway towards limitless potential
*Individuals do not need to be “in pain” or have a ‘dis-ease” to receive NSA care.
Because our primary focus is to access your healing potential, everyone with a spine can benefit greatly. There is so much potential for all of us, babies to adults, to create sustainable changes that will allow you to be more alive. Remember there is no limit to the well-being and wellness scale. Who doesn’t want more life in their life?
*It’s a family affair!
If an individual is in care and experiencing great changes, it is very helpful to that person to have the whole family in care. Everyone is affected by everyone, especially the ones we are closest with. As a family receives NSA care together, the gifts of sustainable adaptability, freedom, and vitality can create a more harmonious home. Who wouldn’t want their children to have more access to their own healing, creating an unlimited life potential?
What are the benefits of NSA care?
According to the research done at the Medical College at the University of California which studied almost 3000 people receiving Network care worldwide, it was shown that NSA care provided significant improvement to people’s health and quality of life. Below are incredible sustainable changes that were reported.
Improved physical well-being
Improved flexibility of the spine
More energy, less fatigue.
Fewer colds or flu
Less headaches
Reduced pain
Less stress relative to
Emotional well-being
General well-being
Coping with daily problems
Family and significant relationships
Improved emotional and psychological well-being
Positive feelings about self
Decreased moodiness and anger outbursts
Less depression, more interest in life
Fewer concerns about the small things
Improved ability to think and concentrate
Improved ability to stay on task
Less distress about physical pain
Life Enjoyment
Experience of relaxation and well-being
Positive feelings about self
Interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Feeling open when relating to others
Confidence when dealing with adversity
Compassion for others
Lifestyle Changes
Regular exercise
Tai Chi/yoga
Healthy foods/vitamins
Vegetarian/partial vegetarian
Less use of prescription medications
Overall Quality of Life-improvement relative to
Personal life and life as a whole
Extent one adapts to change
Overall contentment with life
Significant other
Work, actual work that is done
Physical appearance
The Science of NSA
NSA assists the brain in developing new ways to experience the World, adapt to stress, dissipate tension, and promote self-correction and self-regulation of spinal tension patterns and healing. Below are several research studies on NSA.
Ground Breaking Research
The following is a list of peer-reviewed publications involving Network Spinal Analysis Care.
Reduction of a Lumbar Scoliosis & Improved Cervical Curve in a Geriatric Patient Following Network Spinal Analysis Care: A Case Study Ray K, Knowles D, Knowles R. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. June 10, 2013. pp 18-28
Improvement in Vision in a Patient with Diabetic Retinopathy Following Network Spinal Analysis Care Irastorza M, Knowles D, Knowles R. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. February 16, 2012. pp 25-30
Reorganizational Healing as an Integrally Informed Framework for Integral Medicine Senzon S, Epstein D, Lemberger D. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2011 6(4), 113-133.
Restoration of the Cervical Curve and Improvement in Neurological Function in a Patient Following Network Spinal Analysis Rohrbach T, Knowles D, Knowles R. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. September 15, 2011. pp 99-103
Editorial: Seeds of Meaning, Transformations of Health Care, and the Future Senzon SA. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. December 2010;16(12):1239-1241. DOI: 10.1089/acm.2010.0785
On a standing wave Central Pattern Generator and the coherence problem Jonckheere E, Lohsoonthorn P, Musuvathy S, Mahajan V, Stefanovic M. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 5 (2010) 336–347. doi:10.1016/j.bspc.2010.04.002
Reorganizational Healing: A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behavior Change, Holistic Practice, and Healing Epstein DM, Senzon SA, Lemberger D. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. May 2009;15(5):461-64. PMID: 19450165
Editorial: Reorganizational Healing: A Health Change Model Whose Time Has Come Blanks RH. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. May 2009;15(5):461-64. PMID: 19450161
Letter to the Editor: Network Spinal Analysis Jonckheere EA. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. May 2009;15(5):469-70. PMID: 19450163
Improvement in Attention in Patients Undergoing Network Spinal Analysis: A Case Series Using Objective Measures of Attention Pauli Y. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, August 23, 2007; 1-9
Quality of Life Improvements and Spontaneous Lifestyle Changes in a Patient Undergoing Subluxation-Centered Chiropractic Care: A Case Study Pauli Y. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, October 11, 2006; 1-15
Chiropractic Care of a Battered Woman: A Case Study Bedell L. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, July 20, 2006; 1-6
Wellness lifestyles II: Modeling the dynamic of wellness, health lifestyle practices, and Network Spinal Analysis. Schuster TL, Dobson M, Jauregui M, Blanks RH. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. April 2004;10(2):357-67. PMID: 15165417
Wellness lifestyles I: A theoretical framework linking wellness, health lifestyles, and complementary and alternative medicine. Schuster TL, Dobson M, Jauregui M, Blanks RH. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. April 2004;10(2):349-56. PMID: 15165416
The Transition of Network Spinal Analysis Care: Hallmarks of a Client-Centered Wellness Education Multi-Component System of Health Care Delivery Epstein D. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, April 5, 2004; 1-7
Successful In Vitro Fertilization in a Poor Responder While Under Network Spinal Analysis Care: A Case Report Senzon SA. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, September 14, 2003; 1-6
Insult, Interference and Infertility: An Overview of Chiropractic Research Behrendt M. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, May 2, 2003; 1
Chaotic Modeling in Network Spinal Analysis: Nonlinear Canonical Correlation with Alternating Conditional Expectation (ACE): A Preliminary Report Bohacek S, Jonckheere E. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, December 1998; 2(4): 188-195
Reduction of Psoriasis in a Patient under Network Spinal Analysis Care: A Case Report Behrendt M. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, December 1998; 2(4): 196-200
Changes in Digital Skin Temperature, Surface Electromyography, and Electrodermal Activity in Subjects Receiving Network Spinal Analysis Care Miller E, Redmond P. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, June 1998; 2(2): 87-95
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: About the Cover (cover picture) Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 1998; 2(1): Cover
An Impairment Rating Analysis Of Asthmatic Children Under Chiropractic Care Graham R, Pistolese R. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 1997; 1(4): 41-48
A Retrospective Assessment of Network Care Using a Survey of Self-Rated Health, Wellness and Quality of Life Blanks RH, Schuster TL, Dobson M. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 1997; 1(4): 15-31
Network Spinal Analysis: A System of Health Care Delivery Within the Subluxation-Based Chiropractic Model Epstein, D. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, August 1996; 1(1): 51-59