Healing the World One Spine at a Time
(607) 266-4325
A major component of health is the communication between your child’s brain and body. This vital link controls the growth, repair, and function of every tissue and organ. The spinal cord sends messages from the brain throughout the body via billions of nerves. Interference (nerve pressure or irritation) places the body in a state of disharmony. This can lead to decreased immune function and sickness.
Starting with the birthing process itself, our bodies are subjected to many spinal traumas. Even the most “natural” of births can cause stress and strain to the tiny developing spine. This initial damage can be compounded when the child develops proper head support, learns to sit up, to crawl, and to walk. During this time of rapid spinal growth, any tiny bump or fall can cause unexplained health problems. Many adult spinal problems actually began in childhood. If left uncorrected, childhood spinal problems may lead to more serious conditions later in life: “As the trunk is bent, so grows the tree.” Without a properly functioning spine and nervous system, true health is impossible to achieve. Maintaining your child’s spinal health is one of the greatest gifts you can provide your child.