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Somato Respiratory Integration
Somato Respiratory Integration
Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) is an unparalleled tool for personal healing and self-empowerment at Healthy Life Center. This easy-to-learn technique is one that you can use anytime, anywhere, to quiet your mind, release stress, and deepen your body-mind connection. SRI empowers a deeper connection to your innate healing rhythms through focused attention, gentle breath, movement, and touch. This technique will help you re-center whenever you experience pain or stress. With SRI you will discover how your inner perception and experience of the world determines to a great degree, who you are, your overall wellness, and the connection to yourself. SRI contributes to your expanding sense of wholeness and is a perfect complement to Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) (it's also a powerful practice on its own!) Once learned, SRI can be used anytime as a tool for stress relief and personal connection. People consistently report that the changes they experience in their body with NSA & SRI they also experience in their lives
SRI empowers you to become involved in your process and accelerates your healing process. It does this by creating a greater connection to yourself and allow the innate healing wisdom of your body to engage.
There are 12 exercises which are designed to deepen your experience of the 12 Stages of Human Consciousness (as defined by Donald Epstein, DC in his book The 12 Stages of Healing).
Read more about the 12 Stages of Healing here
We each have the opportunity and right to experience all of these stages during our lifetime. SRI helps you dive deeper into each stage and experience your body’s natural rhythms, increasing your ability to connect to and express your authentic self.
The exercises are easy and can be used by all ages. SRI exercises can be performed at home, during a Network Entrainment, in a private SRI session, or in group workshops.
The key to moving through the 12 Stages is to master the lesson of each stage by getting into the RHYTHM of each stage, rather than trying to get OUT of it. You can’t get out until you first go in. Don’t think or rush your way through it…. recognizes that our experience is valid, even if we don’t understand it at the moment. If you cant be in the Stage you want, love the stage you’re in!
The lesson of each SRI Stage builds on each other. Like going up a spiral staircase, you need firm footing on the lower steps before you can go any higher. You cannot heal what you haven’t connected with. With Somato Respiratory Integration, we are allowing ourselves to be in whatever it is that we are in.
SRI will help you:
Reconnect you to your body and begin feeling great again with SRI
Enhance the results of your NSA care
Stay more connected and present in your body
Feel more focused and energized
Be more creative
Transcend physical pain, stress, depression and tiredness
Make significant and positive life changes
Maintain a greater depth of wellbeing