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Lori Rossi
QHHT Practitioner at Healthy Life Center


QHHT® is a technique developed by Dolores Cannon that bypasses the chatter of your conscious mind to focus on obtaining information from your Higher Self. This type of past life regression offers profound information on your past and future selves to help you align and discover your soul's purpose.

QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was created and taught by Dolores Cannon. Dolores was a master hypnotherapist in her field with a career spanning almost 50 years. Dolores Cannon's method of hypnotherapy is different from that of traditional hypnotherapy. Many traditional hypnotherapists work in the alpha brain wave state, which is a lighter state of trance. They conduct shorter sessions and often do not explore into the metaphysical/spiritual areas of our being such as past life regression and the dimensional layers of our soul history not only here on earth, but also the connection to our cosmic family within the universe. With QHHT we can help you tap into higher and deeper levels of consciousness which we call the Subconscious (SC) or Higher Self, for much needed wisdom, guidance and healing for the mind, body and soul.

QHHT® is a powerful tool to access that all knowing part of ourselves. When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and the connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with the Higher Self or The Subconscious (SC), since it resides beyond the conscious mind.

Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SC reveals the cause and will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.

Rock Maze

What to Expect

The best thing that you can do to prepare for your session, is to keep an open mind. Try not to overthink things and remember that the subconscious will only show you what you are ready to see. No need to worry about anything!

Sessions typically last about 4 to 5 hours so it's recommend that you eat a light meal prior to arriving. Try to abstain from too much caffeine, and wear comfortable clothing that you can relax in.

In terms of healing, it must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed AND if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime. We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. The SC of a blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of his life he agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body, if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. It is very literal in its thinking.


It is not essential that you believe in life after death, the spiritual world or the Higher Self, however, all that is required from you is just walking through the door on the day of your appointment as open minded as possible. You will be in a state of "allowance" as to whatever is about to unfold in your session. It will be just what you NEED and it will be perfect for YOU. A QHHT session is taking a deep dive into your consciousness and exploring the many layers that exist there. A rejuvenating spa day for the soul on many levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.


Cost for session $222.00


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